星期六, 十二月 16, 2006

Claim Your Blog Using Post Claim

All you need to do is create a post using the code below and publish it to your blog! After Technorati's spiders have seen it, you can delete it. (You'll know they've seen it when you come to your Technorati account page and this blog shows as claimed, and not "in progress").

Blogger Posting Instructions

  1. Step 1: In another web browser window, log in to your Blogger account

  2. Step 2: On the Blogger Dashboard, click on your blog name

  3. Step 3: Click "Create" to create a new post

  4. Step 4: Copy the code below, then paste it into the main text box of your new post with any Title

  5. Step 5: Click "Publish Post" to save.

Check to make sure your new post is live, then you're ready to proceed.

Technorati Profile

Technorati :
