星期四, 一月 11, 2007

The Document Tree



The Node object provides several properties to reflect this structure and allow you to traverse the tree. Here are some relationships using the example above:

  • NodeA.firstChild = NodeA1

  • NodeA.lastChild = NodeA3

  • NodeA.childNodes.length = 3

  • NodeA.childNodes[0] = NodeA1

  • NodeA.childNodes[1] = NodeA2

  • NodeA.childNodes[2] = NodeA3

  • NodeA1.parentNode = NodeA

  • NodeA1.nextSibling = NodeA2

  • NodeA3.prevSibling = NodeA2

  • NodeA3.nextSibling = null

  • NodeA.lastChild.firstChild = NodeA3a

  • NodeA3b.parentNode.parentNode = NodeA

The Node interface also provides methods for dynamically adding, updating and removing nodes such as:

  • insertBefore()

  • replaceChild()

  • removeChild()

  • appendChild()

  • cloneNode()

This interface provides methods for accessing and creating other nodes in the document tree. Some methods are:

  • getElementById()

  • getElementsByTagName()

  • createElement()

  • createAttribute()

  • createTextNode()

Traversing the Document Tree

Consider the following:

<body><p>This is a sample paragraph.</p></body>

and this code:


which would display "P", the name of the tag represented by that node. The code breaks down as follows:

  • document.documentElement - gives the page's HTML tag.

  • .lastChild - gives the BODY tag.

  • .firstChild - gives the first element in the BODY.

  • .tagName - gives that element's tag name, "P" in this case.

Accessing Elements Directly

<p id="myParagraph">This is a sample paragraph.</p>




var nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName("A");
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++)
nodeList[i].style.color = "#ff0000";


<p id="sample1" align="left">Text in a paragraph element.</p>

... code for the links ...

document.getElementById('sample1').setAttribute('align', 'left');
document.getElementById('sample1').setAttribute('align', 'right');

Text Nodes

<p id="sample1">This is the initial text.</p>

... code for the links ...

document.getElementById('sample1').firstChild.nodeValue =
'Once upon a time...';
document.getElementById('sample1').firstChild.nodeValue =
'...in a galaxy far, far away';


<p id="sample2">This is the <b>initial</b> text.</p>